Sunday, March 2, 2014

First Grade Warm and Cool Color Patterns

First through third grade students have been learning a lot about the colors that surround us and compliment art. First grade students have been learning to identify warm and cool colors. 

The first week, students painted a large paper with warm and cool colors. Students had to use warm colors to paint one half of their paper and cool colors to paint the other half. The paintings had to dry for us to use the following week to make our finished art. 

 Before we began making art, we practiced patterns by looking at examples and talking about them. We know that out patterns not only have to include consistent shape rhythm, but also consistent color rhythms. 

After a quick review of patterns, students used their painted warm and cool color paper to create beautiful patterned borders on a black background. Triangles, circles, squares and rectangles were the most popular shapes. However, some students cut out shapes that resembled butterflies or squiggles. Students wrote their name in the center with white crayon. 

What is a Weaving?

Second grade students learned a new art form- weaving! Weaving is an art form where strips of material are interlaced to create a single form. Second graders used warm and cool colored paper! 

This project took two weeks for students to make. During the first week, students learned how to identify warm and cool colors. We separated warm and cool colored tissue paper and used liquid glue to collage them onto thick paper. Students were told that I would be cutting their warm and cool colored tissue paper collages for a new project. They were very excited for the surprise!

The next week, we reviewed warm and cool colors and learned about weaving. Students were very excited because they had never made a weaving before! We learned that objects we use regularly such as blankets, clothing and baskets are made by weaving. After a quick demonstration, students used their warm and cool color strips and a black construction paper loom to create their finished project. 
They turned out beautifully! Maybe making woven baskets will be in the future?

Beautiful Blooms

K4 and K5 students practiced their tracing, cutting, gluing, painting and drawing to create their beautiful flower art. We discussed that flowers have stems and leaves. 

Ms. Zeeman and Ms. Schultz classes also created beautiful bloom art. However, they painted their flowers too! One day one, they drew and painted their vases with watercolors. After that, they painted a piece of paper with red, orange and yellow paper. One day two, they constructed their background and made flowers from the painted papers and green construction paper.